RSD Reise Service Deutschland GmbH
Storys zum Thema Kultur
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First fashion label for urns and gravestones launches in the United Kingdom
mehrItalian agrifood stars as Paris's SIAL fair turns 60 / Top show for international food businesses takes place Oct 19-23
mehrZentralrat Deutscher Sinti und Roma
Press Information: Commemoration of the European Holocaust Memorial Day for Roma and Sinti on 2 August 2024
Commemoration of the European Holocaust Memorial Day for Roma and Sinti on 2 August 2024 On 2 August, the Central Council of German Sinti and Roma and the ...
Ein DokumentmehrJapan-Tag Düsseldorf/NRW 2024: Around 630.000 visitors celebrate a festival of Japanese culture and community in Düsseldorf / Spectacular finale with the Japanese fireworks display
mehrRSD Reise Service Deutschland GmbH
Travelling with RSD means seeing the best of the world
BMW Art Car by Julie Mehretu celebrates its World Premiere
mehrWiener Festwochen and the Institute for Human Sciences (IWM Vienna)
Speech to Europe (Eine Rede an Europa) by Omri Boehm
Vienna (ots) - On 7 May, the Wiener Festwochen and the Institute for Human Sciences (IWM Vienna) welcomed Israeli-German philosopher Omri Boehm at the Viennese Judenplatz on the occasion of a Speech to Europe (Eine Rede an Europa) 2024, thereby opening the Viennese cultural festival. Followed by a week of heated discussions about the presence of Omri Boehm, the Speech was successfully held in a crowded Judenplatz, ...
mehrRetrospective of pioneering South African artist Esther Mahlangu with her BMW Art Car on view
mehr- 6
On a journey through time in the land of the pharaohs
Ein Dokumentmehr FALCO’S BASS GUITAR AT DOROTHEUM AUCTION / First electric bass of Falco to be auctioned on January 31 in Vienna, Austria
mehrPatti Smith in the 'sassi' for 30 years Unesco - 'It's a wonderful city,' says the singer in Matera
Matera (ots) - “I wanted to come to this town for 40 years: it is wonderful," American singer-songwriter Patti Smith told reporters in the Basilicata city of Matera, a few hours before the concert she gave last month at the Gervasio Auditorium for the celebrations for the 30th anniversary of the inscription of the Sassi and the Park of the Rupestrian Churches of ...
High praise for the newest addition to the German museum landscape / Deutschlandmuseum receives THEA Award
Berlin, Germany (ots) - The unique approach pioneered by the Deutschlandmuseum of providing an immersive visitor experience has generated worldwide attention. Now, the Deutschlandmuseum has been honoured with the THEA Award for Outstanding Achievement, informally known as the ‘Oscar of the entertainment sector’. ...
mehrLeipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH
7Leipzig – Home of the Peaceful Revolution of 1989
Ein DokumentmehrZentralrat Deutscher Sinti und Roma
Architect Daniel Libeskind awarded the European Civil Rights Prize of the Sinti and Roma
Press release, 17/10/2023 Architect Daniel Libeskind awarded the European Civil Rights Prize of the Sinti and Roma Lock-up period: Wednesday, October 18th, 4 p. m. The American architect Daniel Libeskind will be awarded the European Civil Rights Prize of the Sinti and Roma on October 18, 2023, in ...
Ein DokumentmehrBack to Tape 3: Porsche celebrates hip-hop anniversary with new documentary
mehr- 3
Japan-Tag Düsseldorf/NRW 2023: Japanese tradition, music, cuisine, pop culture and sports with around 650,000 visitors / Grand finale with the traditional Japanese fireworks display
mehr Guizhou Satellite TV Released a Video: A Turkmen Experienced Miao's Embroidery and Tried Sour Fish Soup in Guizhou
SMK (The National Gallery of Denmark)
5New exhibition: Iconic Matisse painting comes to Denmark
mehrSpanish remains the most popular language to learn in the US, Lingoda research shows / Celebrating Spanish and English Language Day on April 23
mehrLingoda reports 65% increase in French learners since 2020 / Celebrating French Language Day on March 20
mehrLearning Love Languages this Valentine’s Day / Lingoda, an online language school, partners with dating expert Maria Avgitidis to highlight the variety of love languages
mehrThe Myth of Language Learning as an Adult / Are children really better at learning languages than adults?
mehr- 2
Digital Baroque: History Meets Algorithm, a future-looking exhibition that channels history, opens 31 January-7 February, 2022 on the newly launched 4ART NFT+ marketplace
Leipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH
4Leipzig Event Highlights 2022
mehrXufang International Digital Culture Media
2The First China-Jordan Friendship Dialogue Held in Beijing
mehrLingoda Partners with Fēst Virtual Cooking to Offer Free Language and Cooking Classes for the Holidays / 2 in 1: Become a Master Chef and Improve your Language Skills
mehr- 2
World premiere: Viva Frida Kahlo – Immersive Experience
mehr Lingoda Announces Global Initiative To Honor Teachers As They Head Back To School
mehrWHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management
Lessons from Gareth Southgate's error culture
England won the European soccer championship match. Against the Germans. At Wembley. The hero for the English is Gareth Southgate. The same Gareth Southgate who fluffed from the penalty spot 25 years ago at the European Championship, sealing England's elimination. England's 2021 victory, however, is also a victory for the positive ...