The American Academy in Berlin
Storys zum Thema EU
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Sustainable EU Tourism: Shaping the future through knowledge exchange and innovation / The EU hosts a series of tourism stakeholder workshops
Brussels (ots) - The Sustainable EU Tourism - Shaping the Tourism of Tomorrow project (2023-2025), funded by the European Union, is driving transformation in European tourism through a series of high-impact workshops. These sessions bring together EU destinations, tourism experts, and policymakers to develop ...
mehrWSCAD joins the voluntary EU AI Pact
mehrEuropean Capital and Green Pioneer of Smart Tourism
European Commission announces new competitions for 2026 - European Capital and Green Pioneer of Smart Tourism
Brussels (ots) - Today, the European Commission launches the 2026 edition of the European Capital of Smart Tourism and the European Green Pioneer of Smart Tourism competitions. Tourism destinations across Europe are invited to submit their innovative practices of smart and sustainable tourism to become leading ...
mehrCuenta con los productos lácteos europeos
The dairy sector launches new outreach actions in the markets of Belgium and Spain until 2027
mehrEU4Regions - How EU cohesion policy solves local challenges and strengthens cross-border cooperation
Brussels (ots) - A new project is being launched to promote the European Union’s cohesion policy aimed at strengthening economic, social and territorial unity across the continent’s regions. The ‘EU4Regions’ project will create comprehensive multimedia and journalistic content that makes the impact of the ...
Shaping Europe's Future Creatively / Europe-wide Call for Applications for the Emperor-Maximilian-Prize 2026 launched
Innsbruck (ots) - The Emperor-Maximilian-Prize, endowed with 10,000 Euros, is awarded by the City of Innsbruck every two years to outstanding projects and initiatives that creatively and sustainably address current and future challenges of European society under the motto "young-european-united" – and confront ...
mehr- 25
Assessing risks from pharmaceutical residues: How the APRIORA project is helping communities to improve drinking water quality
mehr Climate neutrality: The OECD and EU countries best equipped to lead the way
Gütersloh (ots) - How determined are OECD and EU countries in pursuing the goal of climate neutrality by 2050? A recent monitoring report by the Bertelsmann Stiftung reveals that Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Spain are setting the pace with their effective policy strategies. In contrast, Canada, Australia, Israel, Poland and Hungary need to significantly ramp up their ...
mehrMore than half of all young people in the EU feel lonely
Gütersloh (ots) - Many young adults in the EU share the feeling that they are lonely. Around 57 per cent of young Europeans aged from 18 to 35 feel moderately or strongly lonely, according to a new Bertelsmann Stiftung study entitled “Loneliness of Young People Compared across Europe in 2024.” The data for the EU-wide survey derive from the European opinion research tool eupinions. While loneliness among young people ...
mehrEuropean Capital and Green Pioneer of Smart Tourism
Torino and Benidorm selected as 2025 European Capital and Green Pioneer of Smart Tourism
Brussels (ots) - The European Commission unveils the 2025 European Capital and Green Pioneer of Smart Tourism, recognising their outstanding achievements in accessibility, sustainability, digitalisation, and cultural heritage & creativity as exceptional tourism destinations. Torino (Italy) and Benidorm (Spain) have been selected as the winners of the EU’s 2025 ...
mehrEuropeans prefer greater independence from the US
Gütersloh (ots) - A clear majority of Europeans are willing to take greater responsibility for their own interests in a changing world order. This is the key finding of an eupinions survey conducted by the Bertelsmann Stiftung in the 27 member states of the European Union. The figures show a clear shift in opinion in Europe: at the end of 2017, only a quarter of citizens wanted more European engagement. The majority of ...
Competition is on for the CIVIS Media Prize 2025: Submissions possible until 12 December 2024
Köln (ots) - The competition for the European CIVIS Media Prize is on. Until 12 December 2024, media professionals from all EU countries and Switzerland can submit entries online on the topics of migration, integration, cultural diversity and related issues of social cohesion. The CIVIS Media Prize honours outstanding achievements in television, radio, internet and ...
mehr- 25
Europe's politics come to life in the regions / What does the EU actually do in my region?
mehr European Capital and Green Pioneer of Smart Tourism
European Commission Reveals 2025 Finalists for European Capital and Green Pioneer of Smart Tourism Awards
Brussels (ots) - Today, the European Commission revealed the finalists for the 2025 European Capital and Green Pioneer of Smart Tourism competitions. The awards recognise cities that demonstrate exceptional commitment to smart and sustainable tourism, and promote networking and the exchange of best practices to ...
mehrDiscover European Cheestories with Cheeses from Spain
11InLac promotes a historic tasting of European cheeses in New York and launches a revolutionary online platform to multiply exports to the U.S.
mehrBVR Bundesverband der Deutschen Volksbanken und Raiffeisenbanken
BVR: Council of the EU’s decision on CMDI acknowledges institutional protection but improvements are still needed
Berlin (ots) - The Council of the European Union (EU) has today decided on its general approach regarding the European Commission’s proposed legislation for amending the crisis management and deposit insurance framework (CMDI review). The Bundesverband der Deutschen Volksbanken und Raiffeisenbanken (BVR) [National ...
mehrYoung people's regard for the EU is greater than their propensity to vote
Gütersloh (ots) - Young Europeans largely take a positive view of the European Union. They are nevertheless less motivated than the older population groups to participate in the European Elections, according to a new "eupinions" poll. Civil rights and combating climate change are of particular significance to them. Young people from the age of 16 in several EU ...
Researchers: The future of democracy is on the ballot in Europe
mehrNew management for the EUTOP Group
mehrTwo years of war in Ukraine: EU citizens back joint defence policy
Gütersloh (ots) - The situation for Ukraine is deteriorating in the 2024 election year in the EU and US. While a majority continues to support aid to Ukraine in both the EU and in Germany, this applies primarily to supporters of centrist parties. However, a joint European defence policy enjoys majority backing across party lines: 87 per cent of all EU citizens, and 86 per cent of Germans, support the idea. Two years ...
mehrDeutsches Institut für Menschenrechte
EU-Member states should agree to EU Due Diligence Directive
Berlin (ots) - The German Institute for Human Rights urges the German Government and all other EU member states to vote in favour of the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) in the final vote on 9 February. The EU directive is critical to safeguard and protect human rights and the environment in global supply chains. After lengthy negotiations, the CSDDD may now fail due to disagreements within the ...
mehrYoung People in Germany have Trust in Democracy and in the EU
Gütersloh (ots) - The 18 to 30 generation in Germany has more trust in the European Union than is the case on average in other European countries. But they lack confidence in the German government and parliament. These are the findings of a data analysis commissioned by the Bertelsmann Stiftung. Many young people in Germany have confidence in democracy and in the European Union. In a representative survey of people aged ...
mehrEnvironment Ministers failed to acknowledge the value of biobased and compostable plastics’ innovation for packaging solutions
Brussels (ots) - European Bioplastics reacts to the General Approach adopted by the Environment Council on the proposal for a Regulation on Packaging and Packaging Waste. European Bioplastics (EUBP) regrets the position adopted on 18 December by the Environment Ministers in the Environment Council, deeming the ...
Energy transition: A boost for Europe's rural regions
Berlin (ots) - More jobs, greater economic prosperity and improved economic cohesion: the energy transition promises to boost rural EU regions in particular. These will benefit from the further expansion of renewable energy, while urban areas will need additional support - this is the conclusion of a new study by the Bertelsmann Stiftung. The European Union wants to be climate-neutral by 2050 - this is at the heart of the ...
mehrEuropean Capital and Green Pioneer of Smart Tourism
Dublin and Grosseto selected as 2024 European Capital and Green Pioneer of Smart Tourism
Brussels (ots) - The European Commission reveals the 2024 European Capital and Green Pioneer of Smart Tourism, recognising their outstanding achievements in accessibility, sustainability, digitalisation, and cultural heritage & creativity as exceptional tourism destinations. Dublin (Ireland) and Grosseto (Italy) have been selected as the winners of the EU's 2024 ...
mehrEuropean Parliament sends mixed signals to the bioplastics sector
mehrGermany Becomes More Friendly to International Skilled Labor
Berlin (ots) - The country with Europe’s largest economy has eased the requirements for non-EU nationals, particularly those with needed skills, to gain employment permits. As of November 18, rewritten legislation in Germany makes it easier for people from outside the EU who wish to live and work in the country. Under the new Skilled Immigration Act and the new EU Blue Card, people with a university degree and a job ...
mehrStyria among the EU top 3 in green hydrogen: number of researchers increases by 50 percent, focus on industrial application
Graz (ots) - As predicted, the EU Green Deal has led to a high dynamic and concentration for industrial, grid-serving and mobile applications of hydrogen on the way to climate neutrality. And an enormous share of research into green hydrogen in this country is being carried out by companies such as AVL. Together ...
mehr- 2
New edition of the academic work “Convincing Political Stakeholders”: a unique insight into the specific practices of interest representation